

Astrology: new perspectives

As an astrologer, I have observed that 99% of the people those who come to me for consultation, are clueless about astrological analysis. They believe blindly, whatever I tell them. This can be very dangerous. People come with problems and issues. They are disturbed, in anxiety, are under stress, and helpless. They come with hope for some solutions.

Most of the astrologers make the analysis very secretive and mystic. Many try and act as counselors and indulge in smooth talks (that is why they are called soothsayers!). Instead of educating and dispelling fears, they create fear and awe. They thrive on your fear

The predictions in newspapers and TV are very vague and confusing. These are mainly based on sun signs (western astrology).

(People do not even know whether things written on papers and being told on TV are about sun signs or moon signs!)

Do YOU know your sun sign and moon sign?

Western astrology is based on Sun and Vedic Jyotish on   Moon.

Jigyasa (desire to know) is needed to establish the truthfulness of any vidya (knowledge) but the Jigyasa should be to find out the efficacy of the system of knowledge. Just by labeling as hoax, and dumping, will not help to unravel the truth.

Over the years, astrologers all over the world have been more theoretical and predictive. People generally understand astrology as all about the prediction of future events.

This has made this great tool a fatalistic one.

Sixteen generations of rishis, (spiritual meta-physical scientists) had not toiled and talked about jyotish to make people inactive, helpless, and incapable! Obviously, the aim must have been to empower people to indulge in corrective karmas to bring in changes in OS.

Jyotish is all about light and brilliance to illuminate our present life, which will help, begin a smooth journey from darkness of ignorance to light of knowledge.

The most difficult thing in this world is to know ourselves. Jyotish will light up your internal deepam (light) and you will be able to understand your own Operating system (OS): why are you like this.

I am writing this blog to empower you and dispel myths surrounding this knowledge. Have an open mind, be rational, and keep aside pre-conditioned ideas and pre-conceived notions. Once you read this blog completely, you will know how and why Jyotish (astrology) works.


We in India refer to astrology as Vedic JYOTISH.

Jyoti means light and ish is god i.e. light is god. In Jyotish, we are talking about sun: source of light and its planets (solar system). Sun is the primary source of energy for our survival. Without sun, we cannot imagine life. That is why; we refer to sun as devata (Demi-god).

The source of life is the sun light both for plants and animals, and for that matter, all forms of life on earth. We also take in to consideration 27 nakshatras (stars) in Vedic Jyotish.

Spectrum of sunlight

Sun light has a spectrum of frequencies from Infra-Red (IR) to Ultra Violet (UV). In between, we have the visible range frequencies Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red (VIBGYOR).

We know that IR and UV are invisible to naked eyes. Hence, in Jyotish we call these two extreme ranges (two nodes) Chhayas (shadows) as Rahu and Ketu. This is apt because we cannot see these spectrums.

(May be you are thinking, why I have labeled IR as Rahu and UV as Ketu. No one has talked like this. I have explained about it in this book…read on.).

Wavelength of IR is bigger than red, red is bigger than orange and so on. As the frequencies become higher, the wavelengths become smaller (wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency).

Therefore, at the base is IR and at the top, we have violet and UV. This creates a pyramid structure.

UV rays of Nakshatras (stars)

Stars emanate UV rays.

In Jyotish, 27 nakshatras (stars) have been identified in relation to moon. Moon reflects UV rays from these stars (as moon reflects sun light). These UV rays effect and influence the brain neurons, pituitary, and pineal glands, and create an Operating system (OS) in brain hardware.

Do you know what the basis of pyramid shape is?

The pyramid shapes are based on principle of light frequencies. That is why sitting in a pyramid balances all our energies and we feel peaceful.

Pyramids represent sun light frequency spectrum

Imagine a human being, feet is the region of IR (Rahu) and top of head UV (Ketu). IR is between red and microwave range and represents heat max. UV is cool max. We know that green is cooler than yellow and blue is cooler than green and so on.

Hotness and coolness of body parts

Ayurveda (ancient health science of India) says that a healthy person has warm feet and cool head (in India, there is a practice of applying oil on head to keep it cool. Westerners use hat).

Do you know meditation reverses this?

Those who meditate have cool feet and hot head (reverse of ayurved advice). The head becomes hot because of lowering of frequencies inside the brain. As the frequencies starts decreasing the wavelengths start becoming bigger, thus generating heat. That is why they choose high hills for meditations to keep their head cool.

The second reason may be that at higher altitudes, one will have more UV rays, which is beneficial of neuro-circuits of brain.

UV rays of a particular star

Each star has its own characteristics. Hence, depending on which star applies to a person, he/she behaves, thinks, and conducts himself/herself.

Do you know the color of Ketu?

The invocation of Ketu goes like this: Palash pushpa sankasham (which looks a palash flower i.e. violet and UV type) taraka graha (stars and planets) mastakam (on the head/top)…

May be you know that photons of UV rays are very powerful compared to lower frequencies. UV rays have influence on our immune system and skeleton formation. Vitamin D 3 deficiency affects pancreas and diabetes catches you. The nervous system gets jammed in the absence of UV rays and BP goes up.

New research on UV rays shows how it creates a feel-good factor in brain. Therefore, Ketu rules over the head region and helps attract sudden wealth and gives out-of-box ideas, and guides you towards moksha (liberation) and spiritual growth.

In Jyotish, malefic Ketu is linked to skin related diseases. The medical science links over exposure of UV rays to all types skin problems including skin cancer. That is why; I have been linking Ketu to UV rays.

We shall discuss in detail about influence of Ketu when we analyze the kundali (horoscope) of late Sri Abdul Kalam, the ex-president of India.

Someone asked other day,” Do animals also are affected by astrology?”

Animals have nothing to do with astrology (jyotish). The whole concept of jyotish is based on karma theory.

Your kundali is based on your past karmas. Human beings have choice and freedom to indulge in an action, react to an action of other, or abstain. This binds human beings in karma.

Animals have no choice and they operate from a zone of unconscious robotic programming (for more, read my book A Gateway to Spirituality, published by notion press and available in Amazon).


Kundali means a coiled form. It is your “inherited inherent karmic accumulation balance sheet.”

(Sounds   interesting? You thought Jyotish is boring?)

Kundali: A coded Balance sheet

This balance sheet has all the debit and credits of your karmas (read about karma more in my book: The Gate Way to Spirituality) of past life. Nature (or we say divinity) makes us accountable for all our actions and pronounces awards/rewards and punishments as per Karmic rule book. The whole system is autonomous and impartial.

Kundali is relatively true

You are born with a kundali, which is a road map for this current life.

Any time in your life, you make a kundali; the kundali is for the time you were born.

The depictions were applicable at the time of your birth. After that, many years have gone past. You have indulged in many good and bad karmic activities. May be you have done some penance and burnt some of the past karmas doing tapas (meditation) or incurred some fresh bad karma.

That is why; the kundali you are referring now may not be 100 % true. It will be relatively true.

West is different

In west, the kundali (horoscope is different) they do it in a circular way. There is no mention of Rahu or Ketu and they talk about nodes. Western astrology is sun based. Vedic jyotish is moon based.

Moon based is more logical

It is more logical to be moon based because moon has tremendous influence on water (the high tides in sea) and we have about 70 % water in our body (90% in the brain).  The moon, hence, has great influence on us i.e.  The way we think, perceive, our elation and depression, hyperactive, lethargy and mood swings (even menstrual cycles of women 28 days) all depend on moon.

Therefore, our rasi (what westerners call “sign”) is determined as per moon’s position in the kundali (chart). In western countries, the sign is based on sun.

Jyotish as tool

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Jyotish is a diagnostic tool.

When you are sick, you go to a doctor (in this case it is an astrologer). Doctor sends you for some tests and he analyses the lab reports to know about your energy imbalances. Like a doctor, an astrologer makes a kundali (astrological chart) to check energy imbalances in your life.

Kundali, similar to the lab test report, is a tool to decipher present issues and problems (depending on present position of your life journey path i.e. stars and planetary positions with maha dasha and antar dasha etc.).

As a doctor gives you medicines to bring a homeostasis in your health, the astrologer suggests use of various energy equalizer methods (parihar, mantras, yantra, rudraksha, and ratna i.e. gem stones etc.) to balance your life and solve your problems.

Is Jyotish predictive?

I define Jyotish kundali as a storage disk (SD) of   3-Ps: “Possibilities Probabilities and Potentialities.”

(A father finds in his son’s chart that he would be a leaned man. However, he does not put him in a school then obviously he has throttled the inherent “possibilities-probabilities- potentialities”) of the boy).

Is Jyotish Fatalistic?

NO. Jyotish is a science, which creates awareness in you by analyzing your Operating System (OS). Jyotish suggests corrective methods for balancing energies in the life.

Knowing the problems in kundali, one takes remedial measures, and makes changes in his/her life.

If you refuse to take corrective measures and make changes that is a fatalistic approach.

There is no perfect Kundali

Like there are no perfect human beings, there are no perfect kundalis. Each kundali will have its own strong and weak influencers (planets).

SWOT analysis

It is a good idea to do occasional SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis (by reading your kundali) and understand present time zone you are in and find out probable success/failures areas. This keeps you mentally prepared to face situations of varied implications.

All the planets do not always give good or bad results. In addition, a planet, which is generally understood as good planet (for example everyone considers Jupiter as a good planet), may not be good for all. Similarly, planets like Saturn, Mars or Rahu, which people think and label as negative may be very good for some.

Jyotish is relative and not absolute

There is no good or bad planet in absolute terms. It will depend on various factors like which house it is occupying, which other planet is in the same house, which planet is aspecting it, whether that planet is good for you or not etc.

Therefore, we cannot analyze anything in isolation and in a compartmentalized way.


Dasha means period (a span of time).There is Maha dashaantar dasha, and pratyantar dasha. During these periods planets whose dasha is running becomes more powerful.

(You do not have to memorize the durations etc. as these are available in many free web sites.)

Moon Maha dasha

Rahu antar dasha

Mars pratyantar dasha

Example: you are running moon Mahadasha, in that you are undergoing Rahu antar dasha. Moon is water and Rahu is IR, so you will have agitated mind. In that, you are running Mars pratyantar dasha. Therefore, you will have anger also. Briefly, you will be angry, agitated and sad- –irritated depressive thoughts will pervade your mind.

Use your common sense to understand the synergies of energies.

Use Jyotish to change your fate

With corrective karma, one can alter the journey path and destination (fate).

The purpose of studying your kundali is to create awareness about yourself. It is a mirror, which shows you what you are, why you are like this, and how you change yourself to make your life better. If you are undergoing issues and problems in your life, it will help you understand the reasons and resolve these.

The whole idea is to empower you, create a deep understanding about your psyche so that you can increase the good influences, and reduce the bad ones.

Everyone wants to be happy, peaceful, having good health and loving family and a successful career. If you become aware of yourself, re-tune, and fine-tune some energy frequencies, then it is possible.

Colors as Influences

We discussed about sunlight spectrum. Let us take the example of blue color. We know that everything is energy, and energies are frequencies, the blue color also has a frequency. Blue is associated with Shani (Saturn). Why?

Well… Shani invocation starts with, “Neelanjana samabhasam” i.e. which radiates like blue (Neela). Therefore, color of Saturn is blue and has frequency of blue. Earth has a frequency and so has our body. Blue is the color of sky, ocean (even lord Shiva, Krishna and Rama are depicted in blue to indicate embodiment of peace) and stands for peace.

If Saturn (Shani) is bad or vakri (retrograde) in your kundali, it indicates that you would have issues relating to peace in your life. Not to have peace, you could perhaps choose a job or career, which does not satisfy you, or you have issues with your boss or the work culture at office. You could perhaps choose a life partner or be in a relationship, which becomes a source of pain and agony at a later stage of your life. You also perhaps happen to take some decision in your life, which puts you in tight spots later, and you wonder why you took that decision.

Jyotish for a happy family

If you study kundali of your husband/wife and your children, you will have new insights about them. A new dimension and understanding about them will dawn on you. It is like delving into their hearts and minds to know about their OS.

This new insight will help you create harmony, love, and understanding in your life. It will give you greater and clearer understanding about inner thought processes and mental orientations of your spouse and children. You can help and guide them and caution them about probable pitfalls in their life. You will be able to know them in a new way and understand them better. Love will flourish; harmony and peace will prevail in your life.

People often ask me

  1. Does kundali control our fate?

The word fate itself sounds fatalistic to me. When you buy a new laptop, it comes with a pamphlet stating the operating procedures . It gives its frequency, storage data, intelligent functional aspects, Blue tooth compatibility, processing speed and in-built programmes etc.

A Jyotish chart is like this. By knowing about it, parents of a newborn baby can decide what kind of studies, job etc.  He/she would like, what kind of education would interest him/her , how would be the temperament, nature and orientation in life. All these information will help parents to interact with their children (by knowing their OS) and guide them appropriately.

  • Who should learn and know about jyotish?

Anyone, who wants to explore and utilize all his   “ possibilities, probabilities and potentialities”  to the fullest extent possible and have a successful  life should learn about it.

  • Is western numerology (people know about it only in general) same as Eastern Ank Jyotish?

Not at all. Numerology is based on English alphabets. Other languages like French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Tamil (and thousands others) are not compatible with this system.  Every language is written differently (grammar, alphabets and  enunciations vary).

Ank (numbers of east) have different connotations and purpose. Ank jyotish is NOT used for name spelling changes (people think that is all about numerology!) .

For names, we already have an established system of Swar Vigyan (science of sound). A particular akshar (which never perishes:, which is generally translated as alphabet) is recommended in the kundali details to be used as the first akshar of the name. For example: If recommendation is for ka, kaa, ke means the names allowed might be: Kamala, Katherine, Kevin.

Spell changer numerology is of no use to us.

The sound vibrations of such names would be accordant with child’s body frequency vibrations and would help in creating a harmonious vibratory aura around it.

(The spiritual scientists were masters of sound energies (mantra: using mind as a tool/machine). Man is manas i.e. consciousness and tra means trayate i.e. to free. Any syllable or sound, which can free the consciousness to be transformed to higher consciousness.

I would like to define mantra as, “ any utterance which can act as  catalectic agent for  transformational  ascendance of consciousness.” It can be one syllable or combinations thereof.)

Ank jyotish has nothing to do with modern day numerology.

  • What are the other uses of ank (numbers) in jyotish?

Mainly used for muhurtam (an auspicious time of cosmic harmony) to start a good work. These are based on tithi (moon based: lunar days) and time of that day/night. You can buy a panchang (Hindu calendar available on stationary stores or check online on web) to find various auspicious timings for construction of house, Gruha pravesh (first entry to the new home) and vivah (marriage) etc.

  • What is Rahu Kalam?

This is 90-minutes duration when cosmic energies are inauspicious for  beginning  a new work or undertaking a journey.

  1. AM to 9AM- Monday

9 AM to 10.30 AM – Saturday

  1. AM to 12 – Friday

12 to 1.30 PM –Wednesday

1.30 PM to 3 PM – Thursday

3 PM to 4.30 PM – Tuesday

4.30 PM to 6 PM – Sunday

N.B.: There is no Rahu Kalam between 6 AM to 7.30 AM. This part is left blank to do prayers etc. Perhaps it is done deliberately so that people would not get in to worldly things early morning and remain engrossed with spiritual activities.

People calculate Rahu kala wrongly

These Rahu Kalam block timings of 90 minutes are generally wrongly  understood and used, as these will differ as per the sunrise and sun set time of a particular place and day. For theoretical purpose, each day is taken as 12 hours (which may not be true). The total time between the sunrise and sunset has to be divided in to 8 parts.  For a simpler understanding, use the example below.

The base time is 6 AM as a presumption of sunrise time. If the sunrise at a place is 6.20 AM on Monday then Rahu Kalam would be 7.50 AM to 9.20 AM.  If the sunrise for Wednesday were  06.23 AM then the Rahu Kalam would be 12.23 PM to 1.53 PM.

Advise: Do not be too dogmatic about Rahu Kalam. If it is possible, then try to avoid these timings for starting any major auspicious work.  I personally do not feel it is that important.

  • What is vastu dosha?

The wrong positioning of toilets , kitchen, and main door are the main reasons of vastu dosha ( Imbalance of energies in the house.

In modern days , it is not possible or feasible to have every thing in the house as per vastu. People buy flats or a land is allotted by government authorities and one does not much choice about the location/direction  of road  and numbers of things, which are mentioned in vastu books.

However,   if one cannot construct a house following all the requirements of vastu, one should at least avoid the following:

  1. Toilets: Never in North East corner. NE corner should not be used to keep broom, shoe, or dustbin. This is god’s place and should be always kept neat and clean.
  • Kitchen: Should not be in NE, or SW. Ideal is SE or NW. One should not cook facing south. It is done only for death ceremony food cooking.
  • Main door: One should avoid exactly south facing door. It is okay if it away by 10 degrees at least.  Those who desire for power and wealth should opt for south facing door. Those who want knowledge and liberation should go for north facing. To create more harmony and peace in the house one should choose east  and those who are good health and get freedom from debt and diseases go for west facing doors.

Astrologically speaking:

  • If Jupiter and Mercury are good in your chart then choose north facing door.
  • If sun and Venus are good for you then opt for east main door.
  • If Saturn and moon are positioned favorably in your kundali then go for west main door.
  • Choose south facing main door if Ketu, Rahu, and Mars are giving good results in your kundali.

( Note: This is my personal view. You may or may not subscribe to my view)

  • The elders in the house (main bedroom) should be ideally in the SW of the house. Keep heavy steel almirah in the SW corner of this room. (This is because earth is tilted to the right by 23.44 degrees on northern side (theoretically 23.5 degrees but keeps changing over a period of 44,000 years). To balance the earth, the SW corners should  be loaded with heavy items.. (Do not agree? no issues. I thought like that)
  • The staircase in the house or where your flat is situated should be going up clockwise and coming down anti-clock-wise. Why?

The earth and sun are rotating and revolving in an anti-clock wise direction (if viewed from north/top of solar system). The staircase descend (top north to bottom south) should be in synch with rotation and revolution of sun and earth so that our body is in same rotational movement.

Have you noticed how easy it is to take a sharp left turn on bike compared to a sharp right   turn?

If you look at the rotation and revolution of solar system (imagine yourself standing out of solar system and you are standing at the southern part) then the whole thing will be clock-wise.

So, when you are moving up from down of staircase (south part of solar system) and going up to the top (northern part of solar system) then you are moving up in clock-wise direction.

  • What is Nava Graha shanti/puja?

This is about pacifying nine planets. In most of the temples, you will find Nava graha place where all nine planets are arranged at one place.

99% people do not know which planets are facing east/west/north/south. People just go rounds and rounds (some take one and some take seven rounds and some nine).

Some people go around clockwise all nine planets and some take seven clockwise and two anti clock-wise ( they say it for Rahu and Ketu). Moreover, there are some who take nine full rounds clock-wise and two anti-clockwise.

Huh! So many opinions.

You may say, “ What is your opinion?”.

Let us first identify all nine planets and know which directions they face.

In the center is Sun. to its right ( look at the picture)  is Jupiter facing east. To the left is Mars facing south. Behind sun is Saturn facing opposite direction west ( remember we talked about Saturn and sun being anti force!). To the right of Saturn is Ketu facing south. To the left of Saturn is Rahu, which is also facing south. Venus is in the front of sun, facing east. To the right of Venus is the Mercury looking general direction of north (NE to be precise). Moon is to the left of the Venus, facing west.

(Now, co-relate this information what we were talking about in vastu.)

South: Mars, Rahu, and Ketu (rule south direction: power, authority, and fame).

SE : kitchen. SW:   Head of house.

North : Jupiter and Mercury ( rule north direction: knowledge).  NW: Study room, NE: puja place

East: Sun and Venus (rule east direction: peace and harmony)

West: moon and Saturn (rule west direction: good mental health and intuition)

You should stand in front of the required planet (you think that you need to pacify/balance) and chant appropriate mantra.

Mantra for nine planets  (written by the great rishi Vyasa)

Surya (Sun):   Japaa  kusum sankaasham Kaashyapeyam  Mahaadyutim

                          Tamori Sarva paapaghnam pranatosmi divaakaram

Chandra (moon): Dadhi shankha tusharaabham kshiro darnaba sambhabam

                                    Namaami shashinam somam  shambhormukuta bhushanam

Mangal (Mars): Dharani garbha sambhutam vidyut kaanti samaprabham

                               Kumara shakti hastam ch mangalam pranamaamyaham

Budha (Mercury): Priyangu kalikaa shyaamam rupenaa  pratimam budham

                                 Somyam somyagunapetam tam budham pranamaamyaham

Bruhaspati (Jupiter): Devaanaam cha rushinaam cha guru kaanchana sannibham

                                      Buddhibhutam trilokesham tam tamaami bruhaspatim

Shukra (Venus): Hima kunda mrunalabham daityanam paramam gurum

                                 Sarva shaastra pravaktaram bhargavam pranamaamyaham

Shani (Saturn): Neelanjana samaabhaasam ravi putra yamaagrajam

                               Chhaaaya maartand sambhutam tam namaami shanaishcharam

Rahu:  Ardhakaayam mahaaviryam chandraaditya vimardhanam

           Singhikaa  garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamaamyaham

Ketu:   Palaasha  pushpa sankaasham tarakaa graha mastakam

         Roudram roudratmakam  ghoram tam Ketum pranamaamyaham.

Note: You can memorize and indulge in mental chanting while going for a walk or relaxing. There are no hard and fast rules to chant.  However diction and pronouncing are very important for mantra to give benefit. Please search in You tube and listen to the required mantra and learn how to utter the words.

Let us now discuss about the going round nava graha.

We know about the rotation and revolution of earth and sun, which is anti-clockwise. . It is anti-clockwise if viewed from top. Therefore all rotating  and revolving  will be seen as clock-wise from south ( where we are: earth)

Therefore, we should take right circular rounds. Take only one round. It is permitted to take nine rounds only on Saturday. It is said that if you take nine rounds on any other day, then Shani  (Saturn) becomes angry ( Who wants to make him angry any way?)

(But, is it right to take right rounds or left? Moon does not rotate on its axis because of gravitational lock (that is why we see only one side of moon always!).  Venus rotates slowly to the right in a clockwise direction. And,  what about Rahu and Ketu?)

I would say Instead of getting confused about all these, it would be good to identify the graha (planet) which you need to pacify, stand in front of it and pray. There is no need to go around Navagraha nine times /seven times/clock wide/anti-clockwise.

For individual graha, pray to following Devi (goddesses)

Saturn (Shani):  Kali

Rahu: Chhinnamasta

Ketu: Dhumavati

Mars (Mangal): Bagalamukhi

Mercury (Budha): Shodashi

Jupiter (Bruhaspati) : Tara

Venus (Shukra): Kamalamtika

Moon (Chandra): Bhubaneswari

Sun (Surya): Maatangi

  • What is Kala Sarpa dosha?

The astrologer tells, “you have Kala Sarpa dosha”, and you sit up straight on your chair, with your spinal cord straight like a serpent and heart beating little faster .You raise your eye brows and murmur, “ what the hell is this ?”

So scary !

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Relax. There is nothing to get scared about kala sarpa. There are hundreds and thousands of people those who have this dosha and still they are very successful in their lives.

Kala is time and Sarpa is serpent. Sarpa is a symbol of energy movement. In chakra yoga also we talk about kundalini in which energy flows upward on spinal cord from root to crown chakra. It is  said that energy lies dormant in root chakra in form of a three and half coiled serpent.

Even the horoscope is  referred as kundali in jyotish. Kundali is actually is “probable-possible-potentialities.”

It is a road map, which unfolds in a systematic way , in a phased manner, over a period of kala (time).

We say a kundali has kala Sarpa dosha if all seven planets are on one side of Rahu and Ketu.

Kala Sarpa does NOT mean that the person will not succeed in his/her life. It only tells you to work harder and accept the fact that life is little difficult. On should not read more than this.

If the planets are on the right side of this axis then later part of life is little difficult. One should be willing to be careful and put little extra efforts to achieve things in life.

I understand this way. Traditional astrological books do not subscribe to such an explanation. This is my personal view.

Please note that there are many types of kala sarpa dosha . I do not subscribe to any puja or temple visits. I recommend people to wear a combination of 8+9+11 mukhi rudraksha   to pacify and balance Ketu (8-mukhi), Rahu (9-mukhi) and have the protection of Pancha mukha Hanuman ( 11-mukhi). This combination breaks the Rahu-Ketu axis and allows all seven plants to send out their energy frequencies to rest of the kundali. This removes the obstacles in the path of success.

8-mukhi is blessed by Ganesh and 9-mukhi by  Durga.

There are so many examples of successful people those who have/had kala sarpa dosha. Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Dhirubhai Ambani, Lata Mangeshkar, Sachin Tendulkar and there are many. All these people have put in lot of hard work to achieve success in their lives.

You can also break the Rahu-Ketu axis and work smart by unleashing your reserve “probable-possible-potentialities” .

I have personally observed that life becomes easier and smoother after wearing 8+9+11 mukhi rudraksha combination. You can also keep one Kala sarpa yantra at your home. Donating red and black clothes, wearing threads of red and black colors on the left-hand wrist also are helpfulKWhat food/fruits/clothes should be donated, when and how?

Different items should be donated or eaten more for different planets.

Sun: wheat, arahar daal, chikoo (mud apples) copper color clothes, copper utensils. Arghya (offer water to sun), red sandal wood, red flowers, kumkum (vermillion).

Moon: rice, milk, payasam (kheer) white clothes, silver items, , white flowers, white pumpkin, salt.

Mars: Pomegranate, red apples, red chili, jiggery (molasses) ,  red lentil, red flowers, red clothes, red glass bangles.

Mercury: Green vegetables, green apples, green clothes, moong (green pulses).

Jupiter:  Yellow daal, Bangle gram, haldi (turmeric), yellow flowers, ripe banana, yellow clothes.

Venus:  Curd, Ice, white flowers, cold milk, butter, sugar, white clothes.

Saturn: Black leather show, rusted iron, black gram, black clothes, sesame, mustard and mustard oil, alcohol, salty curd-rice in iron bowls to beggars and black woolen blankets.

Rahu: Same as Saturn (both are air element)

Ketu:  Same as Mars (both are fire element).

(Rahu and Ketu:  this is my personal opinion based on similarities of tatva (element). By giving daan (act of donating), we are trying to brings a balance in our body-mind. That is why I have this different opinion, which is not in consonance with traditional books).

When: Time and day to donate:

Sun:  Early morning on Sunday.

Moon:  Evening time in Shukla paksha (bright lunar phase) on Monday. Best is Poornima evening.

Mars and Rahu:  Sunrise time on Tuesday.

Mercury: Sunrise time on Wednesday.

Thursday:  Daytime on Thursday in Shukla Paksha (bright lunar phase). Best is guru Poornima night.

Venus:  Immediately after sunset when Venus starts shining on sky on Poornima full moon day.

Saturn and Ketu: When night descends. The dark phase of the moon. Best is Amavasya (new moon day).

How to donate ?

Bhava (emotional state of mind) is very important. You should be grateful to the person who you are giving (this is very unique concept which is prevalent in India that the donor is grateful not the person who is receiving). This is because by receiving from he is helping you to reduce your bad karmas of the past. You should be grateful because it is HE who is helping. You are actually the person who is receiving favor.

That is why, as a token of thanksgiving you either touch his feet or do Namaste with folded hands and offer some money on top of daan. This is called Dakshina. Daan is incomplete without Dakshina.

What is naadi Jyotish

Naadi jyotish is a system in which you give your thumb impression on a piece of paper and the person reads about your past, present and future from palm leaves. These palm leaves are very old which are kept in a temple in Tamilnadu (India).It is said that rishi Agastya wrote all these palm leaves.

When you give your thumb impression, the naadi astrologer finds a similar one in the palm leaves. He cross- checks your name and proceeds further. He tells your full name, your caste, father’s name, mother’s name and even wife’s name along with how many children you have etc.

I have found that the past and present information are very accurate but the future predictions are vague.

It is worth trying out this method. It is very interesting.

You should be careful about frauds and there are lot of frauds. There are real good ones also. Please verify and consult.

What is Lal Kitab?

Lal kitab is a compilation of astrological analysis and interpretations of 19th century. It is a combination and Hindu and Muslim methods and is a simplified way to understand the influences of various planets in your kundali. Originally, it was written in Urdu language and authors are anonymous. Some believe that Ravana, the king of Srilanka, wrote it. Lal kitab also talks about palmistry and farmans or upaaya (solutions). It is called Lal Kitab because of the color of the book (lal means red and kitab means book).

What are Farmans, totke or upaaya in Lal kitab for pacifying planets?

Sun: Eat rice with jaggery (molasses) and milk on Sundays. Wrap jaggery and wheat in a red cloth and donate. Put copper coin or any item made of copper and jaggery in running water (river).  Pray to lord Vishnu.

Moon: On Monday eat kheer (rice boiled in milk), wear white clothes, and put white sandal paste on forehead. Donate pearl. Keep a water-filled jug/pot near your head while sleeping at night when pour this water to plants root when you get up in the morning. Pray to lord Shiva.

Mars: Do not wear new dress on Tuesday. Feed sweet toast/bread etc to small children and monkeys on Tuesday. Put til and gud in flowing water. Keep a red handkerchief with you. Make wall and get demolished when it is still wet. Put honey and red vermillion in running water .Pray to Hanuman.

Mercury: Feed green grass and green gram to animals. Pray to Durga.

Jupiter: keep a yellow colored handkerchief in pocket. Put keshar (saffron) and haldi paste on forehead and navel. Pray to Brahma.

Venus: Serve white cows. Feed boiled potatoes to white cows. Soak and eat almonds after peeling. Pray to Lakshmi.

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Saturn: Do not wear new clothes on Saturday. Feed to black dogs and crows. Fill mustard oil on a pot/plate, see your face reflection on it, and donate it with dakshina. It is called chhayaa daan. Pray to Bhairav.

Rahu: Keep a square shaped silver piece in pocket. Donate muli (radish). Put charcoal in flowing water. For best result, charcoal should be equal of your body weight. Pray to Saraswati.

Ketu: Wear gold on ears. Feed dogs. Put yellow sandal paste on forehead. Pray to Ganesh.


Rudraksha to balance planetary energies and Aura Chakra

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Rudraksha is a fruit. It looks blue when raw. When mature, it looks yellowish/ brownish depending on the type of soil. Rudrakshas are mainly found in the foothills of Himalayas (abode of ascetics and Gods) and Indonesia. These are found in some parts of India too but not all mukhis.

Depending on the number of marks/lines on the outer cover (called mukhi which means faces), depending on the lines on the surface, these are segregated as one mukhi, two mukhi…fifteen mukhi, etc.

Itgenerally comes in a round shape. It also comes ina cylindrical shape. The rudraksha comes with a natural hole.

A fake rudraksha, made out of wood and similar looking fruits are available easily in markets. People often alter the lines and make sales. So, beware.

When rudraksha is put under an X-ray machine or cut open, the same numbers of seeds will be found inside i.e.12 mukhi will have 12 seeds inside.

Ninemukhi (inside)      Threemukhi     Fivemukhi

Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

One mukhi rudraksha works on this chakra but is very rare to find. Even in Nepal, mostly fake ones are sold at very high prices. Cylindrical Indonesian rudraksha is genuine and very powerful for this chakra.

A South Indian/Sri Lankan half-moon Bhadraksha is used as a substitute for one mukhirudraksha.

Ajna chakra (third eye)

17 Mukhi rudraksha, representing Saturn (Shani), works very efficiently for this chakra. This works on the pineal gland, which connects the subconscious and conscious mind. The pineal gland works best in the dark. Shani represents dark forces. Any dark matter/energy draws all the negative energies around it. Saturn is associated with dark blue (indigo) and helps the pineal gland work more efficiently.

Putting bhashma (holy ash) on your forehead to filter out light is a practice followed by spiritual seekers in India to keep the pineal gland in the dark to improve itsefficiency.

Vishuddhi (throat) chakra

A combination of 15 and17 mukhi(15 for Budha: green and seventeen mukhi for Shani: dark blue — to be worn close to the throat or on the left hand as a bracelet or tied to the left upper arm to help balance this chakra.

Heart (Anahata) chakra

15 mukhi (Budharudraksha should be worn on the chest. It will balance this chakra. It will also keep the heart, lungs, and liver in good shape.

Manipura chakra (solar plexus)

12 mukhi for Sun and 5 mukhi for Jupiter) will balance this chakra. Issues with digestion, the pancreas or something like diabetes will be controlled.

Swadhisthana(sex chakra)

mukhi (moon) and 13mukhi (Venus) would balance this chakra. The uterus, PCOD, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), urinary tract infections (UTI), menstrual disorders, kidney, spleen,gall bladder,etc.willremain in order. A bad mood, irritation, depression, gloominess, sexual issues, irritation, etcwill be cured when this chakra is balanced. (Buy Best Indonesian Nepal Certified Rudraksha at Bangalore from us).

Root (Mooladhara) chakra

mukhi (Mars) and 9 mukhi for Rahu rudraksha works for this chakra.

Well,you may wonder how the rudraksha works on our chakra.

How the rudraksha helps balance chakras

Our body has bio-electricity and electromagnetic fields.

Our seven chakras are powerful vortices:central points to receive positive energy from the universe and dissipate negative energy to the universe for recycling.

Each and every cell (our body has trillionsof cells)works on the principles of energy exchange, resonance and radiation. Each cell in our body consists of fat, complex sugar, nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) and proteins (we have more than one lakh varieties of proteins which differentiate the functionality of a cell whether it is ina toe and a cell from the heart or brain). It is the protein’s electromagnetic charges that are responsible for behavior generating movements i.e. heart cells behaving like a heart cells and brain cells like brain cells.

Proteins have amino acid molecules which have positive and negative charges like magnets, thus creating repulsions and attractions, which in turn creates rotary circles thousands of times in a second to balance repulsions and attractions.

We call it Prana Shakti (life force).

Any imbalance in electrical circuit flow in the body will influence the functionality of thebody-mind. The electromagnetic vortices (chakras) will get disturbed.

These imbalanced polarities are balanced by rudraksha.

Rudraksha can store bio-electricity and work like an inverter-cum-stabilizer. Rudraksha has dynamic polarity i.e. it can change its own polarities to bring balancetothe wearer.

It works best when in contact with the body but can also work through clothes. Rudraksha works best when worn on specific chakra areas.

If it is not comfortable to wear a particular mukhirudraksha in a particularchakra region of the body then it can be worn on the chest in the heart region.

Wearing a rudraksha

If you are planning to wear it on your wrist then wear odd mukhi (3,5,7,9,11,13 etc) on the left and even (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 etc) on the right hand.

15 mukhi rudraksha works best when worn in the heart region.

One Mukhi rudraksha should be worn on the head. It can be put inside a hat and worn. If not possible, then wear it near the throat (the small sunken point on the neck).

Can a rudraksha change or influence our destiny?

We all are born with a blueprint of life; like a seed has a blueprint of its growth and journey relating to its color, size, smell, flower and the fruits it will bear.

Depending on ascendants, Rasi and star we come to this earth with an Operating System (OS) i.e. DNA.

So, how does a rudraksha worn on the body influence us by touching the skin cells on the body?

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, in his book theBiology of Beliefexplains thateach cell has its own brain (called membrane). This membrane has receptors (nano-antennas) which we can term the keyboards of the cell (the computer).

Mr. B.A. Cornell, Head of an Australian Research consortium, got published a research paper in the magazine Nature in 1997, where his article confirmed that the cell membrane is a homologue of the computer chip.

When cell membranes come in physical contact with rudrakshabeads the electromagnetic pulse information generated by the rudraksha is downloaded to the cells.Rudraksha beads send out energy signals, which are electromagnetic in nature at a speed of 1,86,000 miles per second compared to diffusible chemical signals,which travellessathan one centimeter per second in our body.

A lot of research work is available onenergetic signaling mechanisms and resonance in bioenergetics.

  • In his famous book Resonance of Bioenergetics, C.W.F. McClare, department of Biophysics, University of London, talks about the great efficiency in transferring energy and information without the loss of power.

Thus, we can say that cells are programmable. Here, the rudraksha is the programmer.

Each mukhirudraksha, depending on thenumber of seeds it has, carries a frequency. Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic properties regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses; they alter protein functions, gene regulation, hormone secretion and nerve functions.

How much time is required to feel the effects of a rudraksha?
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Over the years, after observing peoplewho I prescribed a rudrakshafor, I opine that it takes about one week for the rudraksha to start getting tuned to the body’s frequencies and takes about two mandalai.e. around 100 days to befullytuned. We can relate this to the Hindu belief system that the soul enters the mother’s womb after three months (about 100 days).

A child is born after about nine months and we can say that the complete efficacy of wearing rudraksha will be felt after nine months.

Precautions while using rudraksha

One should not have a bath with soap and shampoo while wearing itto avoid chemical contamination.

One should not sprinkle powder over it or else it will block the nano-transmitters.

One should avoid keeping their mobile phone in their shirt pocket if they are wearing arudrakshaon the chest. A rudraksha should not be kept near a television,microwave oven,etc as it might disturb the electromagnetic field of therudraksha.One should remove their rudraksha when visiting a burial ground to protect it from negative energy.

Now, we will discuss how gemstones work on chakras.

Gemstones and planetary energies and Aura Chakras

Let us first understand the basic principles of gemstone functioning.


We know that electrons are electrically charged particles. Ions are formed when atoms lose or gain electrons.

When an ion gains electrons we call it a positive ion and when it loses them we call it a negative ion.

It is generally accepted that negative ionization has a positive effect on stabilizing the blood pressure, improving the function of the cardiovascular system, increasing the alkaline internal environment of the organism, accelerating physical recovery, strengthening the bones,and improving the respiratory and nervous system.

Waterfalls, residential areas, mountains, parks, beaches, forests, and springs are places where we have high concentrations of negative ions. That’s why we feel charged and light.

Michael Terman, PhD from ColumbiaHospital has successfully conducted many experiments in the usage of negative ions for health benefits.

Gemstones release negative ions

All gemstones release negative ionswithelectrical charges. These ionsinteract with electrolytes in the blood plasma to bringabout chemical changes in the body.

All gemstones have different colors depending on what metal’s traces (iron, zinc, manganese, titanium, chrome, cobalt, copper and nickel) arepresent in them

For our discussion, we will consider coral, pearl, and emerald, sapphire (yellow and blue), hessoniteand cat’s eye.

These are called ratna (precious gemstones are called ratna in India).

Ratnas are found deep under the Earth. Because of the tectonic pressure of the Earth, these ratnas acquire radioactive properties and release ions.

Coral (Moonga)

Coral can turn acidic liquid into an alkaline entity. Praval (coral) pistihasbeenused in Ayurveda for the last 5000 years for treating various ailments like a lack of sexual drive, semen, leucorrhea, digestion, immunity, skin complexion and as natural oxygen supplements.

Coral is hailed as the medicine cabinet of the twenty-first century. It isused in cancer treatment, and in the treatment of diseases related to the heart as well asarthritis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Such is the mass exploitation of the coral reefs, that the US government formed the United States Coral Reef Task Force in 1998 to conserve the coral reefs.

A review article “Corals and their Potential Applications to Integrative Medicines” gives exhaustive detail on theusage of coral. [Ref: (]

*Coral (Moonga) boosts the power of Mars (Mangal) and helps balance the Mooladhara chakra (root chakra).

Pearl (Moti)

It is CaCO3 with conchiolin, which is a complex protein.

In Ayurveda Mukta (Moti: pearl) pisti and bhashma (combination of CaCO3 and conchiolin) is used for depression, inflammation, mood swings, melancholy, cough, catarrh, blood circulation, insomnia, muscle relaxant,anxiety etc.

In homeopathyit is used to treat similar problems.

*Pearls can boost the power of Moon (Chandra) and help balance the Swadhisthana chakra (sacral chakra).

Yellow Sapphires (Pukharaj/ Pusyarag/Pushparag)

Yellow sapphires mainly consist of aluminum oxide (Al3 O2).

The aluminum content in the body and especially in the brain should not be high. Imbalanced aluminum, as per Washington DC’s Department of Planet Earth, impairs elderly people’s cognitive ability and leads to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s (degenerative brain diseases).

The Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at St. Louis University states that aluminum may cause liver cancer and lead to degenerative symptoms.

The Department of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine has reported that an aluminum imbalance causes inflammation in the brain (Alzheimer’s disease is often associated with elevated inflammation).

In homeopathy, aluminum is extensively used to treatall the diseases discussed above.

If a trace of iron is present in a sapphire stone then a pale yellow color is formed, which we call a yellow sapphire.

* A yellow sapphire boosts the power of Jupiter (Brihaspati) and works on the Manipura chakra (solar plexus).

Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Presence of both iron and titanium in sapphire result in a deep blue color. We call a blue sapphire.
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Iron helps our blood red cellstransport oxygen to all parts of the body. It also plays an important role in specific processes within the cell that produces energy for the body.

Tiredness, lethargy and fatigue are symptoms of low body iron stores.

Iron maintains a healthy immune system. An iron deficiency can impair learning and can result in frequent infections.

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a genetic disease that alters the body’s ability to regulate iron absorption and excess iron gets accumulated in the cells of the liver, heart, pancreas, joints and pituitary glands leading to diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, diabetes, heart disease (cardiomyopathy) and joint diseases.

Iron is related to Saturn. There is a practice in India to wear an iron ring on your middle finger to balance Saturn’s energy.


Titanium is found in bones and muscles. Those who have a debilitated Saturn presence in their charts have problems related to bones and muscles.

In homeopathy, titanium is used to treat tuberculosis, to cure imperfect vision, giddiness, eczema, sexual weakness,pre-mature ejaculation and many psychosomatic cases.

Wearing a blue sapphire can help in all these cases.

*A blue sapphire boosts the power of Saturn (Shani) and works on the third eye Chakra. It also helps balance the Vishuddhi (throat) chakra.

Ruby (Manikya)
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Chromium ina ruby makes it look red.

A shortage of chromium in the body may cause heart conditions, disruptions in metabolism and diabetes.

Chromium is used toimprove the way our body uses insulin.

Chromium is also used for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), lowering bad cholesterol/raising good cholesterol and binge eatingdisorders (a lack of control oneating).

It is also used to burn fat and lose weight.

All the above problems including delays in childbirth, frequent abortions,etc also happen if the sun is positioned incorrectly inthat person’s chart.

*A ruby is used to boost Sun (Surya) and balance the Manipura chakra (solar plexus).

Emerald (Panna)
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Emerald consists of Beryllium,Silicate and Aluminum

Homeopathy medicine, Beryllium is used for chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) i.e. chronic bronchitis, refractory (non-reversible) asthmaand emphysema (which causes air flow limitation i.e. difficulty in breathing).

When the respiratory system is damaged, a strain is placed on the heart which can lead to an enlarged heart and other heart diseases over time; aperson may even experience fatal heart failure.

Thealuminuminteraction herehas already been discussed.


If you use a computer or a cell phone then you know about micro-chips, which are nothing but silicates.

Quartz crystals are also silicate. The unique properties of silicates include the ability to conduct electricity, produce high frequency vibrations and provide thermal insulation.

Silicon is the central part of silicate.

Micro-chips are silicon cut down to micro-proportions with instructions imprinted on them through photographic processes, which tell the computer how to operate similar to how the human brain tells the body to operate.

Silicate-like quartz crystals (used while healing and balancing the seven chakras – the energy vortices) have the unique ability to produce a rhythmic high frequency vibration.

The crystal emits a rhythmic beat when hooked up to an electronic source.

Dr. Ramamurthy, a nuclear scientist based inHyderabad, has successfully-made an aura/chakra balancer machine using this method.

Homeopathic medicines, which operate on the principle that “like heals like” uses silicate to treatcolds, flues, low emotional strength (shy and unassertive but tend to be stubborn) and painful breastfeeding.

An emerald, hence, boosts Mercury’s (green) power, which rules over Anahata (heart) chakra which is connected to the right brain (subconscious mind).

One should wear an emerald ring on the little finger of their left hand(to connect to the right brain) as the left side is connected to the right brain.

Theemeraldcan also be worn as a pendant.

An emerald boosts Mercury (Budha) and helps balance the Anahata (heart) chakra. It also helps balance Vishuddhi (throat) chakra.

Hessonite (Gomed)

In this case, calcium may consist of part ferrous iron and aluminum may consist of ferric iron.


A calcium deficiency may lead to bone/muscle pain, joint pain, ligament pain, arthritis,depression, feeling low, sensitivity, insecurity, neck pain, stiffness and headaches.

All these are symptoms of Rahu being in a bad house. Rahu behaves like Saturn. Note the similarity of iron content in a blue sapphire and hessonite.

Aluminum: We have discussed this part. In Rahudasha people feel restless, disoriented and lazy.

Silicate: We have discussed this this earlier.

Hessonite boosts Rahu and works on the Mooladhara(root) chakra.

Cat’s Eye

It consists of Sodium, Calcium, Aluminum and Silicate.

It is a very mystic stone and will require thorough elaboration. We have already discussed the functionalitiesof calcium, aluminum and silicate. We will talk about sodium. But first, let us learn aboutthis gemstone a little more.

A cat’s eye is used to balance Ketu, which rules the head and is responsible for sudden wealth gain (due to the subconscious mind’s intuitive attraction), Moksha (liberation from the cycles of birth and death), spiritual powers (like sixth sense, clairvoyance, visions, telepathy,etc).

At the same time, if wrongly placed in a horoscope, it can generate anxiety, hallucinations and confusion.

A cat’s eye stone has an interesting feature called “cyclic twins” or “trilling”, which hints at our conscious and s-super-conscious integration.

Cat and Cat’s Eye stone

Cats have a wider vision of 200 degrees and can see much better in dim light.

A cat’s lenses transmit a significant amount of UV light (this light spectrum is related to the crown chakra which is the region of Ketu).

A cat’s eyes face forward which offers “better depth perception(deeper spiritual experiences and understanding)”.

Cats do not need to blink their eyes on a regular basis for lubricationashumans do (Krishna tells Arjun to focus on the tip of his nose without blinking when meditating).

Let us explorethe sodium content in a cat’s eye gemstone.


Sodium Valproate is used as a medicine to treat bi-polar disorder, epilepsy and migraines. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain.

In homeopathic medicine, NatrumMur (sodium chloride or common salt, which is found in the sea) is extensively used for many mental and physical ailments.

The sea is the mother of all organic life. Even we, human beings, stay in our mother’s womb where the water is like sea water.

It is the most important salt of blood plasma. A vital function of salt is the electrical polarization of cell membranes which enables the transmission of nerve impulses.

It helps in the flow and exchange of neural signals, displays extreme sensitivity and receptivity (awareness).

In Japan, there is a lot of research on the memory power of water. Salt being from the sea, has the power of retention and preserves old memories and emotions.

Unkind aloof memories of the womb (before birth), rejection by a mother (no bonding), and failure to breastfeed, being uncared for—all these memories create sadness (whenKetu sits under themoon).

A cat’s eye gemstone boosts the power of Ketu and helps balance the Sahasrara (crown) chakra.

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